A recent blog post described the phenomenon of the “Bow Wave” and its importance to Defense spending priorities. AMREL takes its responsibility of supplying mobile computing solutions to warfighters seriously, so we keep a close eye on how Defense allocates its resources. Under the “Bow Wave’s” influence, who are the winners and losers? Take a look […]

Does the FBI have to tell Apple how it cracked the iPhone? The answer is not straightforward, and is illustrative of the many problems surrounding encryption.   The many discontents of encryption Encryption is a very important security measure and it is also a real pain. For one thing, once encrypted, devices have a shorter […]

At AMREL we play close attention to pressures placed on the Department of Defense (DoD) budgets. We strive to respond to ever changing needs of our clients and market forces. How are things going for the DoD? If you listen to the leadership, not so good. “Every single time I stand on stage, I tell […]